About Us

The Company
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Our mission is to provide reliable information in the shortest time possible while carrying out the best logistics plan to each of our clients. By this way, the client will be able to know the state of its equipment with its tendency and results which are the corrective actions to bring them to a fidelity level of 100%.

Our vision and main goal is to be the largest lubricant analysis laboratory globally, interacting with each of our clients at different points on the map, to find ourselves implicitly in their plant as an unfailing collaborator in reliability's area.

Our values as a company are the absolute commitment mainly, not with laboratory practices and sampling, but rather with the customer in the plant, prioritizing his needs and concerns at all times.

Respect and flexibility adaptation to the human conditions of each of our workers and collaborators is another of the strengths that characterizes us as a company, in addition to compliance with quality standards and good labor practices. Another of our virtues is about exercising daily care for the environment, through the reuse and prolongation of the useful life of the oils we analyze. This is due to the application of a good predictive maintenance plan that seeks to avoid the implementation of a costly corrective maintenance plan in the future, by controlling the status and increasing the effectiveness of the lubricants used. .


Alfredo Mazzini is an engineer expert in tribology, lubrication and contamination control. Within his specialty, he conducts in-company courses, lubrication consulting, and has participated in various international conferences as a trainer.

Martín Gauna is also an engineer, expert in management systems for the care of assets. He models processes and carries out training and coaching actions to improve the participation of people in the maintenance and self-maintenance processes of companies.

Juan Ignacio Dambolena is the logistics and commercial coordinator of our laboratory. From his operating experience in the sector, he provides a dedicated relationship with the client and establishes a dynamic circuit that delivers additional value to the execution of our services.

Carolina Espinosa, is a technician in Industrial Chemistry and a Laboratory Analyst with extensive experience in lubricant analysis (new and used oils and greases). She prepares and operates equipment, instruments, samples and materials required in the different laboratory analyzes, complying with the established security measures.