Extend the life of your lubricant

Improve the functioning and effectiveness of your machines

Keep your production running without finances losses

High precision in test results within the shortest time

logo tribylab

We are specialists in the analysis of industrial lubricants and the interpretation of their test results within the main sectors of the industry, which allows us to provide the best diagnosis and recommendation in each of our reports and services.

We have a global presence through strategic alliances with operating centers, for this reason we can serve any company regardless of the location, providing a better service with available market price and delivery time.
Likewise, our staff; among them laboratory technicians, analysts, logistics, commercial and administrative managers, are highly trained and qualified for each of the areas in which we operate.


Online report management software that includes easy access and full availability for dynamic queries and organization of the information generated for executed analyzes results.

software gestion de muestras lubricantes

“Highest sampling fidelity and reliability”

The lubrication consulting process consists of a series of stages, which leads to organizing the sector to achieve a system free of human errors tending to guarantee the maximum reliability of the machinery to have the greatest possible number of production hours with the least amount of resources.

In our laboratory, we offer a complete treatment and analysis of lubricating oils used in industrial equipment, where we collect all the necessary information to take proactive measures and improve the useful life of your oil.

This way, with the right interpretation of the analyzes, we can anticipate any problem and correct its causes to avoid catastrophic machinery breakdowns that can slow down production for many hours.
We have the appropriate software to store and access the historical results of each sample when required and innovative sample traceability methods that avoid leaks

Finally, our logistics department takes full care of this entire process, from the shipping of containers to receiving samples, saving the client of any possible inconvenience. Depending on the case to be treated and the amount of samples requested, the shipment will be free of charge for the customer.

Our Clients