Traceability and Logistics



This system allows our clients to know the history of a lubrication point based on the set of reports and recommendations made by our analysts, in addition to providing dynamic and traceable management of the reports made for each analyzed sample in our laboratory.

sample management software
Steps to achieve sample tracking and traceability:
software gestion muestras lubricantes

Enter the link with the username and password granted to each client. Access to different filters to select samples or equipment, reports by status, dates, equipment, etc

software gestion muestras lubricantes

software gestion muestras lubricantes

Upon entering each report a quick view of the diagnosis, recommendation, images and test results will present the condition of the sample.

software gestion muestras lubricantes

Record of each sample and equipment in an orderly and clear manner, facilitating its compilation and traceability so that the evolutionary factor of each equipment can always be evaluated and information can be accessed from any time and place.

At Tribylab we are aware of the importance of this task for our clients, which is why we believe that our support should not be limited to the analysis of samples.

Our integral service attends to the entire chain of custody of the quality of the sample from its collection, transport, analysis and traceability to the record in the reports.


Following a strict procedure for the extraction of oil and grease samples, our trained personnel carry out the collection routines seeking to optimize the quality of each extraction and always surveying point by point to design and establish the internal procedure of each plant.

Due to the sensitivity of this task, we have the most appropriate tools for each sector and equipment to be sampled, as well as our own disposable material to avoid contamination of the obtained sample.

We regularly accompany the service with management and improvement reports that allow the client to identify their weaknesses, contrasting the ideal point with the current extraction point and thus strengthen the information that may be generated..

toma muestra lubricantes

Identifying the problem that logistics of samples to the laboratory represents for many clients; we have our own logistics coordination service, in which we take care of designing and managing the most dynamic and appropriate transport so that each sample reaches the laboratory as soon as possible.

For each shipment we generate all the necessary documentation, whether for local or international transport, and we deliver it to the user along with the instructions for subsequent printing and preparation.

Once they are ready and packed, we send the selected transport to pick them up and we guard the entire trip until the package is delivered to our premises to proceed to their test.

toma muestra lubricantes

The quick assembly Easy Sample Kit developed by Tribylab, facilitates the task of extracting samples in reducing equipment, guaranteeing a representative collection of the equipment's oil.

By installing its probe, it allows the oil to be disposed of from the center of the crankcase directly to the container that is then sent to the laboratory. In this way, you avoid collection errors, loss of traceability and contamination.

The Kit consists of an extraction pump, an extension hose and a sampling probe with a non-return valve and quick coupling.

kit toma muestra lubricantes
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